Saturday, September 5, 2009


it's funny how things progressed between us. i remembered very vividly the first day i met him. he left me a very funny and deep impression. with his status, i just thought it was going to be a hi and bye thing. i was proved wrong when we met again last july. i was pleasantly surprised we had things in common. we constantly kept in touch while i was posted to ny and then chad. i didn't realise how much impact i had on him. i wasn't sure how my feelings back then but after seeing him making effort to spend time with me after returning to tokyo despite his crazy schedule, my feelings grew deeper. he was more than what i thought he was when i first met him. we may not be able to date normally as normal couples do but i'm happy. how our schedule fits wonderfully is a blessing. night drives and stay-in during the day are sweet memories.
i'm happy when he's there. no matter where we are,we still have fun an enjoy each other's company. that's what matters the most.

1 comment:

Olive Tree said...

Hi,it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!