my bitch. my girlfriend. my shoulder-to-cry-on. my partner-in-crime. my glutton buddy. my confidant. my ace. my ride or die. my cheer leader. the sister i never had.
i remember the first day i met you at school. i was just 10 and everything was so foreign. you were the first one to talk to me in class. the smile you gave me melt my heart. since then, you've been my beck and call. we laughed. we sang. we danced. we cried. we bitched. we talked crap. we barfed. we shared secrets. you made those 8 years wonderful for me. when i had to leave, i cried my balls out at the airport and you didn't. i was pissed at you for that but later i found out you cried yours out on your way home. i wished i never left. even now you are in nyc, i can always rely on you. you are always there for me, no matter the time, the day, the place. you cheered me on when i fucked up on my kendo finals. you flew all the way for me when doug went away. you stayed on despite what a bitch i was. you made sure hell was raised for sho when shit happened between he and i. thank you for the crazy shopping trips and crazy midnight chatters. thank you for holding me up together when everything else fell apart. thank you for being the best girlfriend i ever had. lastly, thank you for being you.
i love you, oli.
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